
Brinkmann + Wecker

True success results from long-term business dealings between equals. Close contact and trustful cooperation with our suppliers and customers are the foundation of our business success. Brinkmann + Wecker guarantees lasting cooperation at the highest level. With our contacts and online video chats, we stay close to our customers and suppliers and can respond expertly, quickly, and directly.

Brinkmann + Wecker stands for professional partnerships with a focus on service.

Are you interested in a partnership with Brinkmann + Wecker?

Feel free to contact us if you’re interested in adding the reliable products from DAREX, Oliver of Adrian or Drill Doctor to your selection. Many tool dealers are impressed by our sharpening machines and have added them to their product ranges. As your supplier, of course we offer maintenance and repair service in addition to replacement parts.

Guido Querüber and Karsten Rhode look forward to hearing from you.

+49 (0) 5254.9200-0